A South Korean man nicknamed Mister had harbored an intense hatred for a stray dog near his home. That’s because that dog named Mongu was responsible for the death of his beloved dog, Jongu. Yet despite the incident weighing heavily on his heart, he cannot help but feel pity for Mongu.
Mongu had always stayed beside Mister’s home. She uses the side of his house as a place where she can nurse her puppies and keep them safe. That’s why even if Mister wanted to remove Mongu from his property, he couldn’t, in good faith, subject the puppies to suffering.
The man considered forgiving Mongu and adopting her for good. However, she proved to be elusive, running away from him whenever he approached. The only way he could help her was by leaving food for her and the puppies.
One day a team of dog rescuers helped Mister by setting a trap for Mongu. After the dog was captured, she was sent to a veterinary clinic. There, Mongu underwent surgery wherein veterinarians removed a collar that was too tight for her and stitched her wounds to prevent further complications.
While Mongu was healing at the clinic, Mister was busy preparing her new home. The man bought a sturdy dog house placed inside a large enclosure. He also bought metal food bowls for Mongu and her puppies.
Mister admitted that even if she hated Mongu, he also pitied her. He says that he’s willing to move on from what happened in the past and focus on caring for Mongu. He knows that no one else would take care of the dog aside from him.
It’s not easy for Mister to forget what happened to Jongu. However, his compassion for animals proved to be greater than any hatred or pain that he felt. That’s why he made the right choice by becoming Mongu’s legal owner.
Source: SBS TV Animals via YouTube.