The bond between humans and dogs is a tale as old as time, dating back to the Neolithic era. Initially, dogs were trained to protect human properties and aid in hunting. However, this relationship evolved into something more profound, often influencing our emotional and mental well-being.
Multiple studies have shown how our furry friends help improve the overall well-being of their human companions. Medical News Today published an article last year stating that our canine companions reduce a person’s risk of premature death by up to a third. Another study at Harvard University in Cambridge suggests dog owners have a lower chance of getting heart disease.
These medical discoveries are due to the change in the physical activities of dog owners. Once you own a dog, your lifestyle significantly shifts, and you must commit to its physical demands.
Even newborns can benefit from being around dogs. Research suggests that children exposed to dogs while still in the womb have lower risks of developing eczema and fewer asthma symptoms.
Aside from the health benefits, having dogs around can improve a person’s emotional quotient. Not feeling relieved and happy once your dog greets you enthusiastically is impossible.
It is a known fact that dogs make humans feel good. Interacting with dogs raises oxytocin levels, which boosts psychological well-being.
Therapy dogs are popular these days. They help reduce symptoms of depression, and they can make people more resilient to stress.
We are blessed to have lifelong companions in the form of our dogs. We welcome them into our lives, and they, in turn, make our lives more productive and healthier. They make it easy for us to live our best lives possible.