Even shortly after their birth, puppies would start to wiggle a lot. You may observe them grappling and vying for their mother’s attention, especially when it’s time for them to be fed. They may be little, but they can cause issues and problems.
Keeping the puppies safe from harm should be a priority. But occasionally unforeseen situations will occur. Despite the care and preventative precautions in place, your puppies have a knack for circumventing them.
Take, for instance, this two-day-old puppy in Queensland, Australia. It became stranded in an odd location, which endangered its existence. A moment before, it was simply resting with its mother and brothers. The next instant, it slipped into the drain by accident.
The puppy, together with its mother and littermates, was placed in the bathroom of its owner. Sadly, the puppy and one of its littermates fell into the drain.
The owner of the dogs was quick enough to seize one of the puppies by the tail. But, the second puppy continued to slide down and ultimately became stuck in the bend of the pipe.
The owner continued to try in vain to retrieve the dog. Then they decided to hire a plumber for assistance. The owner was already worrying at this point.
The Brisbane Plumbers were reached by the dog owner’s call. One of the plumbing company’s employees stated that they initially believed the call was a joke.
The recipient of the call quickly knew that the situation was grave. He said that he could tell from the caller’s voice that she was telling the truth.
The plumber promptly arrived at the residence. He then inserted a small CCTV camera inside the pipe to determine the location of the puppy. Also, he chose to document the rescue mission.
After determining the location of the puppy in the pipe, the plumber cut a part of the pipe and gently shook the animal to free it from the confined space.
Thankfully, the puppy suffered no injuries.
Source: Caters Clips