Caleb Howard, a six-year-old boy, suffered from a traumatic brain injury in 2007. This caused the Howard family’s lives to be forever changed. The incident happened when Caleb was in the car with his family when a distracted driver driving on the opposite direction collided with …
Dogs have highly sensitive sense of smell and hearing. They are frequently used in law enforcement to locate prohibited substances such as drugs, and find hiding suspects and fugitives. However, these dogs can also be trained as medical alert dogs. They can be trained to detect …
Life can be tough for a lot of people. Some of these people end up becoming homeless at a very young age. In Senatobia-Tate County, Mississippi, a shelter worker named Kris Robinson encountered one of the most heartbreaking interactions with a dog owner. It all started …
Corgis were originally intended to herd cattle, but they’ve come a long way since their humble origins. Yummy, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, is definitely a great example. Yummy clearly enjoying the good life. This small dog relished it in the most literal sense. How many of …
A dog that is already eight years old is frequently regarded to be well beyond the healthy pregnancy age. That age is around 50 to 55 years in human years. Despite potential challenges, some dogs succeed in delivering healthy puppies even at this age. Sugar, a …
If you’re an actual dog owner, you’ve probably had the amusing experience of sitting down to eat and then seeing your dog show up in the room. Whatever they are doing, they will undoubtedly approach you as soon they smell your delectable food. Your dog may …
Dogs are remarkable in a variety of ways. From their funny abilities to rescuing us during difficult times, it’s unsurprising that many humans see them as family members. There are tons of surely amazing dogs out there and this story is about one of them. You’ll …
When dogs remain close to one another, it usually tells us that they are good pals. After all, such closeness can only suggest that they like one another, correct? The following anecdote demonstrates another facet of this interaction. Hany and Kammi are two dogs who are …