Dog enthusiasts are aware that little dogs can be aggressive. It seems absurd that tiny canines are more violent than large ones, but this is the reality. Small dogs and their noise could be irritating for many dog owners, but in certain situations, a small dog’s demeanor could be really beneficial.
In Chula Vista, California, we discovered the world’s most courageous tiny dog. This dog’s name is Peanut, which is hardly an intimidating moniker for his adversaries. Nonetheless, the attitude of this Longhaired Dachshund won the hearts of tens of thousands of Internet users throughout the world.
Peanut’s owner, William Wiser, disclosed that he and his family had steak for supper the previous evening, and Peanut was spotted eating the leftovers in the front yard. Either it was the steak, or perhaps it was Peanut himself, but a coyote appeared on their land, and they assumed that one of these factors was responsible.
William noted that it was peculiar how carelessly the coyote searched their territory. Although it is common knowledge that coyotes devour cats and dogs, Peanut was unfazed by this fact. Well, ignorance is bliss and the dog definitely did not know that. And as the coyote neared their fence, the fearless dog started barking loudly at the animal.
Fortunately, the dog kept the coyote away from the house and, most likely, the entire neighborhood. William asserted that Peanut is indeed a warrior. He attempts to engage anyone who enters their yard in combat. Typically, only cats pose a concern, but this time the danger was greater.
William is somewhat apprehensive about coyotes because he believes a pack resides in a nearby ravine. Peanut should consider himself fortunate that the coyote did not scale the barrier.
As a precaution, pet owners should always keep their animals indoors when coyotes are in the area.
Source: FOX 5 San Diego