German Shepherd puppies rank high on the list of adorable and irresistible balls on the floor. Their teepee ears bend so cutely, and their squeaky barks are enough to brighten up even the dullest day. They’re also a pretty energetic bunch and love spending a considerable chunk of their day playing their humans.
Underneath all that cuteness, however, is a dog full of mischief. They have a penchant for testing their fur parents’ patience by gently nibbling on them. They’re known for this habit that most people call them “land sharks.”
When requests to bite are declined
A German Shepherd who loves using his mom as his teether made rounds online when his attempts to bite were rejected. He was on the bed, nibbling occasionally, when his mom told him to stop biting. He was so dumbfounded by what his human said that he stared blankly at her for a few minutes.
When the pup finally realized what was happening, he began talking back to his mom. She gave her mom an earful for having the audacity to stop her from biting. Some minutes later, he began growling in frustration.
His mom tried to comfort him by giving his head a gentle pat and rubbing his belly. Whenever she would place her hand near him, he would open his mouth to bite her. His fur mom stopped placing her hand near him so he would learn his lesson.
Finding a substitute
The puppy sank his teeth into the knitted blanket before him to satisfy his desire to bite. He complained a few more times but eventually gave up all plans of biting her. Watch how he and his mom resolved things in the video below:
Credits to Tiffany Lee