Requesting favors can be difficult, especially if you are unfamiliar with the process. Fortunately, this Golden Labrador named Zazu was well-versed in the appropriate manner of asking his father to get him on the swing.
Zazu enjoys swinging back and forth with his hooman. We’re guessing that this dog feels the same way we do when we go back and forth on the swing.
There is a beautiful sense of tranquility about it, and Zazu adores it so much that he discovered a method to be able to go on the swing with dad. Who in their right mind would refuse such a beautiful request accompanied with sweet kisses?
Dad is accustomed to his pet’s nice demeanor, and thus knows exactly what he wants as he approaches the swing. Zazu, you’re a fortunate dog to have a father like him.
Dad finally lifted Zazu and placed him on the swing to his right after a few hugs and kisses. Then he called Walle, Zazu’s German Shorthaired Pointer brother, who instantly moved to dad’s left, and the trio spent a few minutes together enjoying the swaying motions.
After a while, dad and Walle exited, leaving Zazu alone on the swing. The Lab seemed unconcerned, as this is his preferred spot around the house.
After a while, Dad returned to check on Zazu, but the Lab’s response was to give his father kisses. Dad understood, rubbing his cherished golden boy’s head to reassure him that it was okay for him to stay there. This owner clearly understands how to give his pets what they want.
Walle may have grown tired of the swing, but Zazu would remain there indefinitely if given the opportunity. Dad was a little indulgent with the Labrador.
We wish you the best of luck with your daily swing time, Zazu. However, avoid sleeping there. You might tumble, and that is something that none of us wants.
Source: Zazu Talks